“What’s gray and can’t fly?”
He looked at her with his customary grimace.
“A parking lot.”
“Wow.” His grin was like wildfire, furious and frightening, ludicrous.

She poked her and he grabbed her finger as her hair swirled. “I love you idiot.”
“Come with me to the Madagascar Constellation.” That stubble. She wanted to nibble on it. He was a big man dressed in a denim jacket and Italian leather shoes.
“We can do anything.” She insisted. He looked away. It turned her on how inaccessible he was. She moved closer against him. The Serbian grasslands bristled, the sunset burning coldly bright red in the stormy clouds. They lay on a blanket among the hard rocks, an apple and pear fruit salad untouched between them. Little bits of Peruvian cheese lay scattered like rocks of moonstone. Broken buildings enhanced the romantic air of futility, which made her all the more determined.
“Stop fighting.” The AK 47 was under the blanket on their right, vintage and customized and his hand was never far away. His knuckles had scars on them. She burrowed into his chest. Across the grasslands, a comet streaked through the sky.
“Smooth is slow, slow is fast,” he said. She was used to his insane philosophies. He was, after all, a sniper.
She lay herself across his knees, her long red hair splaying onto the grass. He stroked it back, his black eyes looming over her, his Adam’s apple swallowing, the stubble flickering, the wind tousling his curled Muslim hair.
The comet landed, the landscape flashing three times.
“Wait for the shock wave.” she said.
He placed himself in the lotus position and together they disassembled and ascended.
When he opened his eyes, everything was clear, and there she was standing before him on the deck of The Meridian. The spaceship’s engine kicked in with an otherworldly hum as they entered the space station, docking between the last ships of humankind. A small robot, dressed like a nursemaid, waved them in. The end of the world had been a spectacle indeed but now it was as mundane a task as getting into a parking lot.
“What’s gray and can’t fly?” he asked her, with that ludicrous grin of his. The universe spread out before them.